When Safety Meets Precision

XiEn's motion solutions are ideal for the ever-advancing world of Medical equipment. Whether in the operating room, life sciences, or lab automation applications, XiEn's advanced servo technology can help you get more speed and throughput without compromising precision and safety. Precision systems typically found in labs and operating rooms can enjoy the benefits of XiEn's ultra-efficient, high power, miniature servo drive. Saving space, weight, and cabling is hugely advantageous for these systems, which are generally operated in small spaces, requiring absolute regulatory safety standards offered by XiEn solutions.

Safe, reliable, and extremely low EMI

Minimized product footprint coupled with an efficient PWM switching process. The drives enable meeting international standards without using external devices, such as EMI filters. The conducted and radiated emissions are very low, making the drives suitable for medical applications.

Fan-Less Technology

99% Efficiency generates minimal heat thus reducing the need for cooling fans and heat sinks

Precise and Accurate Motion

Multi-axis synchronization with advanced servo control.

Easy to Implement

The solution provides exceptionally high mean time between failures (MTBF), ease of implementation, operation, and upgradability.

Compact and Light

Extreme power density with minimal size and weight. The small yet powerful drives incorporate just the right algorithms to satisfy the need for speed, precision, accuracy and performance of the system.

Accurate Force Control

Continuous sensing ensures safety of surroundings.